One of the most common questions our team receives is whether magic mushrooms can aid in quitting smoking. Extensive research has been conducted on this topic, and while the results are still in the early stages, they show great promise. In this post, we will delve into the background of smoking and nicotine addiction in the United States, explore the findings of key studies on psilocybin and addiction, and offer recommendations on how psilocybin could potentially assist in overcoming addiction. Let’s embark on this journey towards a better understanding of the potential benefits of magic mushrooms in combating addiction.
Smoking in United States

The Addictive Nature of Nicotine
- Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that triggers the release of dopamine, making smoking pleasurable.
- When smokers try to quit, they experience a deficiency in dopamine release, causing anxiety, depression and strong cravings.
- Quitting smoking involves both breaking the physical addiction to nicotine and changing deeply ingrained behavioral habits.
Overcoming the Addiction
- Medications like nicotine replacement therapy can be helpful, but people also need the right skills, knowledge, social support and a solid plan to quit successfully.
- Lifestyle factors like nutrition, exercise and stress management may play a role in quitting and recovery.
- Quitting involves a difficult “roller coaster” of withdrawal symptoms and cravings, but the brain gradually adapts and recovers the longer one remains smoke-free.
Psilocybin’s Potential Role
- Despite the challenges, over 70% of smokers want to quit.
- However, over 80% of quit attempts end in relapse.
- Emerging research indicates psilocybin, the psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms, may help people quit smoking by:
- Reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms
- Helping break the behavioral patterns and mental associations with smoking
- Providing profound experiences that shift perspectives and motivations around smoking
- Enhancing the effectiveness of therapy and counseling
While more research is needed, psilocybin shows promise as a tool to help smokers overcome the powerful grip of nicotine addiction and make lasting changes. However, it’s crucial that psilocybin be used responsibly under medical supervision given its potent psychoactive effects. Quitting smoking is extremely difficult, but with the right support, tools and determination, it is possible to break the addiction and reclaim one’s health.
It is no secret that smoking is detrimental to your health, yet it remains one of the most popular addictive substances in the country. According to a 2015 report by Statistics United States, a shocking 13% of Americans aged 15 and over are tobacco smokers. Smoking is linked to a myriad of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the country, with 100 Americans succumbing to smoking-related illnesses every day. It is responsible for 30% of all cancer deaths and 85% of lung cancer cases in the United States.
Smoking contains dangerous carcinogens that can harm the body in various ways. Canadian lawmakers have been cracking down on smoking, with British Columbia banning smoking in all public spaces and workplaces in 2008. Other provinces have followed suit, leaving smokers with fewer places to indulge in their habit. In 2019, Ontario introduced stricter legislation to penalize those who litter cigarette butts with higher fines.
The perception of smoking as a “cool” activity is rapidly declining, with a 2016 study revealing that 80% of people surveyed no longer find smoking appealing. The Truth Initiative reported that over 70% of smokers want to quit. So, why do people continue to smoke? Despite knowing the health risks, the cost, and the societal disapproval, many still struggle to kick the habit.
The Canadian government is actively supporting smoking cessation programs, recognizing the urgent need to help individuals break free from this harmful addiction. It’s time to take control of your health and make the decision to quit smoking for good.
Psilocybin Therapy Helps Create a Lasting Change

In 2016, a team of researchers led by Dr. Albert Garcia Romeau published an article in the United States Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse detailing their findings on using psilocybin-assisted cognitive behavioral therapy to help chronic smokers quit. The study involved 15 daily smokers who participated in 2-3 sessions of psilocybin-assisted therapy. These participants were paired with trained therapists who aimed to create a transformative experience to help them break the habit of smoking.
The researchers sought to surpass the average success rates seen in traditional smoking cessation studies. Previous studies had shown a success rate of only about 35% of participants remaining smoke-free after six months. Dr. Romeau and his team were interested in exploring whether psilocybin therapy could yield better results, and the outcomes were indeed promising.
The participants in the study were well-educated, with all having some college education and the majority (73.3%) holding at least a Bachelor’s degree. The sample was predominantly White, with one Asian participant.
The study was approved by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Institutional Review Board, and all participants provided informed consent. The smoking cessation treatment intervention lasted 15 weeks, with psilocybin sessions occurring in weeks 5 and 7, and an optional third session in week 13. The intervention included weekly meetings and was facilitated by a team of 2 to 3 individuals. The Target-Quit Date was set for week 5 of treatment, aligning with the first psilocybin session.
Overall, the study showed promising results in using psilocybin-assisted therapy to help chronic smokers quit. The findings suggest that this innovative approach could be a valuable tool in combating smoking addiction.
Closing Thoughts: How to Use Magic Mushrooms to Help you Quit

When discussing mental health conditions such as addiction, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of consulting with a physician or therapist before attempting any form of treatment. However, for individuals who are considering using magic mushrooms as a tool to aid in quitting smoking, there are some specific recommendations to keep in mind.
First and foremost, it is essential to have clear intentions when using magic mushrooms for this purpose. Setting clear and pure intentions before consuming the mushrooms can help you stay focused on your goal and maximize the insights gained during the experience.
Furthermore, it is important to embark on this journey for yourself, rather than succumbing to external pressures. Quitting smoking is a personal decision that should be made for your own well-being, as opposed to trying to please others. By doing it for yourself, you are more likely to achieve lasting results and benefits.
Approaching the experience with humility is also key. Magic mushrooms are believed to provide insights that may be hidden from our conscious minds, so it is important to remain open-minded and receptive to new ideas that may challenge your existing beliefs.
In conclusion, using magic mushrooms as a tool to quit smoking can be a transformative experience if approached with the right mindset and intentions. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning this journey, and always prioritize your own well-being and personal growth.