The conversation around the legalization and regulation of magic mushrooms in California is evolving, with significant legislative and societal developments in recent months.

  1. Legislative Efforts: State Senator Scott Wiener has been at the forefront of legislative efforts to decriminalize and regulate the use of magic mushrooms and other psychedelics in California. Senate Bill 58 aimed to decriminalize the possession and use of certain psychedelics for individuals 21 and older. However, Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed this bill, citing concerns about the lack of established treatment guidelines and potential risks associated with premature decriminalization​ )​.
  2. Ballot Initiatives: Despite the veto, proponents of psychedelics are not giving up. Groups like Decriminalize California are working to gather signatures for a ballot measure in the 2024 election. This measure aims to legalize the use and sale of magic mushrooms, going beyond mere decriminalization to establish a regulated market for these substances​
  3. Public Incidents and Challenges: The push for legalization has faced setbacks due to high-profile incidents involving psychedelics. For example, a recent incident involving an off-duty pilot who attempted to disrupt a flight after consuming magic mushrooms has intensified the

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As of now, it is illegal to buy, sell, or possess magic mushrooms (psilocybin mushrooms) in California. Although there have been legislative efforts to decriminalize and regulate these substances, none have been enacted into law yet.

Current Legal Status

  1. Illegal Status: Magic mushrooms remain classified as a Schedule I controlled substance under both federal and California state law. This classification means that they are considered to have a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use.
  2. Legislative Efforts: Senate Bill 58, which aimed to decriminalize the possession and use of certain psychedelics, including magic mushrooms, was vetoed by Governor Gavin Newsom in 2023. Despite this setback, supporters are working towards new legislative or ballot initiatives to push for legalization and regulation​ .

Potential Changes

  1. Therapeutic Use: There is growing interest in the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, and future legislation might focus on allowing medical use under strict regulations. Governor Newsom indicated that he is open to the therapeutic use of psychedelics but emphasized the need for clear treatment guidelines​ .
  2. Ballot Measure: Activist groups like Decriminalize California are preparing for a potential ballot measure in the 2024 election, which could legalize and regulate the sale and use of magic mushrooms if passed by voters​ (POLITICO)​.


Currently, it is not legal to purchase magic mushrooms in California. However, the legal landscape is changing, and there may be opportunities for legal access in the future, particularly for therapeutic purposes. For now, anyone caught buying, selling, or possessing magic mushrooms in California can face legal consequences.

Currently, buying magic mushrooms in California is illegal. Psilocybin mushrooms are classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, meaning their sale, purchase, and possession are prohibited under both state and federal law. Here are the key points regarding the current status and future possibilities: buy you can buy magic mushroom in usa from

Legal Status
Prohibition: Magic mushrooms remain illegal for recreational use, sale, and possession in California.
Legislative Efforts: Attempts to decriminalize and regulate psychedelics have not yet succeeded. Senate Bill 58, which sought to decriminalize certain psychedelics, was vetoed by Governor Gavin Newsom​ ​.
Future Possibilities
Therapeutic Use: There’s significant interest in the medical potential of psychedelics. Future legislation might focus on legalizing psilocybin for therapeutic purposes under professional supervision​
Ballot Initiatives: Activist groups like Decriminalize California are working towards placing a measure on the 2024 ballot to legalize and regulate the sale and use of magic mushrooms​
Current Legal Risks
If caught buying, selling, or possessing magic mushrooms in California, individuals can face serious legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

As of now, there are no legal means to purchase magic mushrooms in California. It’s important to stay informed about potential changes in legislation and ballot initiatives that could alter the legal status of psilocybin in the future.

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